Friday, October 29, 2010

Linux Mint: Linux even more for the rest of us.

Well, at the behest of a certain critic i decided to install Linux Mint on my aging, but still decent, desktop (2.2 ghz dual core AMD processor, 3 gigs of ram) which had had Ubuntu on it previously. So this thing (I won't call it a review, its more of a fist impressions thingy) will focus on comparing Mint to Ubuntu, which makes sense because it's derived from Ubuntu.

The very first impression I had was that Mint was remarkably minimalistic; it didn't even have a command line! but eventually I realized that it was my monitor flashing the "analog, digital, analog, digital" signals in the corner of my screen, and not the operating system. The video driver had malfunctioned somehow, and even now I have no idea what the problem was, other than my thrice-damned Nvidia chipset.

Now, dealing with a malfunctioning video driver is a much bigger problem than pretty much anything else, since, you know, you have no screen, but eventually I did find a fix which involved altering the startup-command-thingy when the livecd is inserted and then installing Mint, then altering the install so it would do the thing you told the livecd to do on boot. The fix I found was for an older version of Mint (I think) and had to be adopted somewhat to fit. It took me something like three hours, but i got it working and successfully installed the proprietary Nvidia drivers on my otherwise open-source machine

All right, that was something of an unfair criticism. The rest of mint makes up for it, I promise. Also, I blame Nvidia! anyways, my real first impression was that Mint (under GNOME at least) looked remarkably like Windows; even more than Ubuntu. The "menu" button was in the same place as the "start" button, the window buttons were on the right, as opposed to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, where they're on the left by default, and overall the thing seemed very Windows-like, which is great because the Windows interface is pretty much the only thing, other than compatibility, that Windows has going for it these days.

In contrast, Ubuntu (I don't know about the newest one, I stuck with the LTS) decided to appeal to the Mac crowd and put the buttons on the left, and stuck a lot of primary operating system stuff in the upper-left hand corner, again, like a Mac. This doesn't seem like a great decision by Canonical. Mac users are generally satisfied with their computers and in any case are beholden to Apple. In contrast, Windows users are a very fearful bunch, and rightfully so; their OS is subject to pretty much every virus on the internet, both because of its gigantic market share and because of its flawed permission system (Microsoft tried to fix it with UAC; it didn't work).So, logically, you would want to imitate Windows because most of your converts would be from that, and you would like to ease their course through Linux, which at times can be a very scary place.

Anyways, back to Mint. one of the great thing about mint is that they managed to include a bunch of stuff everyone puts into an Ubuntu install that for legal reasons cannot be shipped with Ubuntu. Flash, Mp3 support, it's all there. How they did this without being sued, I have no idea.

So, that's my first impression on Mint 9, which hopefully i will be using for a long time to come (I am politely refusing to install mint 10 on my computer). its quite nice, and i would think even optimal for scared windows users who want sanctuary from all the scary things that go run DDOS attacks in the night.

Monday, October 11, 2010

File Extensions - everything Microsoft loves to hide, or, how viruses work.

Now to be fair to Windows, I love it. I think it's a great, if highly flawed, operating system. I love Linux too, but it's a different kind of love. My biggest gripe with Windows, however, isn't that it's closed source or that it allegedly contains some sort of highly controlling DRM (as near as I can tell, the only DRM in Windows is DRM to prevent (usually unsuccessfully) piracy of Windows itself, which I suppose is fair enough). It's the treatment of  file extensions.

Now for those of you who have somehow stumbled upon a tech blog without knowing what a file extension is, well, its at the end of the filename and indicates to the computer what it should do with a file when you click it. If the file extension is, say, .jpg, it opens it in Windows Picture Viewer or whatever else you have set as your default for .jpg files. A .jpg file is a picture file, thus it opens with picture programs. Likewise, if its a .doc or .txt file it opens in a text program, like Microsoft Word or Openoffice.

The reason you, Mr. Joe Enduser, have never heard of this is because Windows, by default, hides file extensions, as if Microsoft actually wants its customers to not have a clue how their computers work (whether this is true or not is another matter). Whoever made this decision should be tarred and feathered, because he is responsible for millions if not billions of dollars of wasted income caused by people not knowing what a file extension is.

But how, exactly, does this default setting waste so much money? Simple. Viruses. See, Microsoft's excuse for this whole debacle is that all files are displayed next to an icon, a small picture indicating loosely what sort of file it is. A text file will have a  piece of paper, a picture will have a picture frame, etc. This is all well and good, but the problem is that the icon can be changed. The icon can lie. Usually, what happens is, you get ahold of a file somehow, and the icon looks just like the icon for a picture file, so you click the file to see what it is.

If you run XP, nothing happens. If you run Vista or 7, you get a warning screen which you click through like a zombie, since after all all you're doing is looking at a picture. Then nothing happens. In both instances something does happen, but you can't see it.

Here's what happens. That picture you clicked wasn't a picture at all. it was, in fact, a .exe file. An executable file. .exes are unique in that instead of opening a program, they are a program, just like the web browser you are viewing this in. Only this program is a virus. It implants itself in your computer, creating another .exe and hiding it in your computer, and setting that program to run at startup, hiding in the background. and then it wreaks havok, with symptoms depending on the virus.

Obviously this isn't the only way viruses spread, but it's probably one of the biggest, and it is literally all Microsoft's fault. So change your settings to show extensions!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today is an interesting time to have a cell phone. This fact has made the world quite a bit more interesting, since just about everyone has a phone nowadays. See, apparently one day someone said "Hey, if our costumers are all carrying around small computers in their pockets, why not have those computers do more than just take calls?" A few months of engineering later and the first modern cell phone was invented. So then we had cell phones that could play Slots and Crab Catch on their monochromatic screens. Add a few more accessories like a camera and make SMS ubiquitous, and there you go.

Then someone else said "why stop at stupid games? let's make a phone that can access email and surf the internet! and let's add a qwerty keyboard! and thus the smartphone was born. (this is all extremely oversimplified, but I like it that way.)

anyway, this is my phone:
Yes, the picture is taken with a webcam and edited in paint. Get over it. it's a Nokia 2330. As you can the see this isn't exactly the Porsche of phones. in fact, its pretty much the worst phone still sold in first-world nations. But that's fine with me. It works. it has ten megabytes of memory, seven of which are full out of the box, but it works. Anyways, messing with this phone netted me a few interesting facts.

For starters, most Phones share a common type of executable file. specifically, the .jar file, which is apparently Java-based. I was expecting to have to look up stuff for my specific phone, but I was able to get my program (a Tetris clone, since most phone come with a version of Tetris that lasts for about thirty seconds before telling you to buy it I was dying to beat the system, and found a version that was sold for the low, low cost of nothing) onto my phone over Bluetooth (another thing which, like phones, I had zero experience with, but I'm very happy my laptop came with it) and run it without a hitch. Well, on the third try. My phone has such a pathetic processor that only the most minimalistic apps will run on it.

Anyways, this was a pleasant surprise, and an example of how have a little tech skills, creativity, and most of all, dogged thriftiness, can save a lot of people a lot of money.

Well, maybe I'll get famous.

Hey, I'm Alex, AKA The Manic Nerd. I figured I'd start this blog because I sort of always wanted to. I think I can say interesting things. And maybe I can make some money in the meantime! You might notice my squeaky new blog has got a bunch of default settings and things - bland, totally normal backgrounds and such. That's gonna change. Default settings are never good enough for me! in a while - I can't possibly know exactly when - this blog will have a complete unique theme.

As for actual content, it'll be a variety of stuff. Mostly tech stuff, yes, but also anything I can form an opinion on. I have a lot of opinions, and I suspect a lot of people will disagree with them. Good. I could use the traffic. Anyways, hopefully in the future(hopefully, oh so hopefully!) my fans will encounter this post on an archive binge. You can stop going backwards now. This is the first one. Now, on with the content!